Mavado, a Jamaican reggae/dance hall artist voiced out in his song, titled MONEY, that "Money can buy diamonds and gold. Money can make girls love you the way you want it. Money can make you have a lot of fake friends. Money can buy and do many other things, but money can't buy LIFE".
Life is the most precious and most valuable thing anybody can have. It cannot be bought. To me, life is a gift from above. It is the almighty God who gives life. What else can money do to you? Money can help you enter a whole lot of places. It can help you gain respect. With money, you can do good and can also do evil.
Comfortable standard of living depends solely on how heavy your account is. Money can take you away from the sick-bed, but can't bring you back to life when you are dead. Note that money is not God or an idol to be worshiped as many are doing.
I once disagreed with a friend for saying "Money is life" though he tried his best to convince me and even gave examples and instances where people commit suicide just because they have lost huge sums of money or the unavailability of it in some cases. To me, money is not life but money makes life a good one and that's why we usually hear the rich say "life is good," because they have enough to make them live comfortably.
In every social institution, almighty money plays a pivotal role there.
Let me take you straight to the church. Have you noticed whenever there is a revival in churches, the rich are always made chairpersons? Why not the less privileged or the poor? The rich are usually the elders and deacons or in some cases they are members of the section who make decisions for the rest of the members. Na lie?
Now, you cannot talk of the influence of money without mentioning the institutions of learning. Money can take you to every school you wish to attend with no difficulties, all you need to do is to flaunt a few notes and make sure you have satisfied the influential people in the institution.
In our tertiary institutions, your visa to being admitted as a student depends on how heavy your brown envelop is. Some student's from well to do homes don't buy admission forms, yet they are admitted without a second look at their result. Yes! The power of Money.
In the hospitals, it is only the rich that enjoy the best treatment. In cases of emergency, your survival will depend heavily on how much you have to offer in return for the treatment. 'Money for hand, Back na ground', that is it.
In our families and home, Money is what mostly accords you respect. Recognition is given more to those who are wealthy, and those who are not well to do are in most cases ignored and looked down upon.
Money can break marriages and can also help build a good marriage life.
In the law courts where justice prevails, money in some cases turns justice upside down. One can flee from lust but i tell you, one can never flee from money.
You see what money can do? No wonder the good books described it as "the root of all evil".

By Nathaniel Abadji


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