"Until, the philosophy, which holds one race superior and another Inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, Everywhere is WAR." Those are the words of Bob Marley, in a song he tittles "WAR"
Prejudice is the dust thrown on the human eye, thus tears is where the outcome lies.
An irrational hostile attitude, fear or hatred towards a particular group, race or religion, Or an adverse judgement or opinion formed before hand or without knowledge of the facts. This is how i understand, define and term prejudice, how do you?
Humans have refused to understand that all men cannot be equal.
All men can never be rich, neither can they be poor.
All men can never be white nor black.
All men can never belong to the same religion. Never!!!
Until we understand this, prejudice will continue to dwell amongst men and conflicts and intolerance shall be the harvests, which will ruin us down.
Dear reader, why have we as a people allowed prejudice and ill-mindedness to over-shadow what we must do to make the world better.
I get upset when I hear people, say their religion does not allow or give them the space to relate, mingle, marry or socialize with others.
If nothing at all, before we became Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, traditionalists, or joined any other religion, we were humans. And I don't think there is any body who can tell me that God created some group of men or people of a particular religion better than some other. Life can never be better if we keep holding this mindset.
It is this same mindset that has made some people think it is right for them to kill even when they have never given life nor created.
Some people have made their religion and social status override and supersede the very basic fact that all humans must be respected. I wonder what sense of judgement people have to decide to murder other people just because they feel bad about their religious affiliation?
You are a Ga, I am an Ewe so you won't allow your daughter to marry me? Many has been said about Racism, but i think its more serious than it ever was. Racism has taken a new form. The form where people would treat you better because you are from their region or ethnic group. Racism has taken the form which the manager would only offer you that job because you are a family friend.
Racism, favoritism, and nepotism are the blood descendants of ' MR. PREJUDICE' . The common notion amongst men is " if you are not with me, then you are against me"
People give out gifts because "he is ma friend, i know her, she is ma relative"
Employers basically employ because "oooh! We are from the same town, he speaks my language, he is my relative, we from the same religious denomination, he is this and that"
Today citizens go to join a long cue to vote simply because that candidate is a Ga, Ewe, Akan or from the same tribe.
My fellow Ghanaians, let not underrate or undermine anyone who is not in line with us. Let's try to learn the ways and culture of others to broaden our knowledge in order to bring the world together, unite and live as one people.
The world must be better, and We must make it Better.


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