SURVIVOR’S TALE; The Story of Apallo




Four-corners was one of the best soccer games Apallo loved to play when we were kids. Talking of “Mo nky3 ndi” which literally means “Lets share to spend” you will lose if he’s your opponent. You dare not play against him. There’s no way we could fix a football match without Apallo. He was the best. He could dribble almost every player on the pitch. I recollect in one of our serious football matches against another vicinity called “Tebulemu”. Boys in that neighbourhood were scary and fearsome but Apallo dribbled almost every player on the pitch forgetting to score and bypassed the goal post. He could be selfish sometimes and if you are not careful, you will never touch a ball till its half time.

Aside being a “ballu gbee”, he was a very hard working guy. “Ma guy, one day I go travel go Yankey oo” he used to say this to me every day. Every afternoon after school, Apallo would visit most of the houses in the neighbourhood to empty their waste bins and carry it to the dumpsite. He gets paid for most errands and everyone loved him for his hard work. He used to get gifts from people almost all the time.

Apallo graduated his Junior High School with distinction and got admission to study at the Accra Academy High School, Kaneshie with a scholarship. Few days in his first term at school, we named him after his school hall, “AWULETEY” because he’s fond of wearing the Hall’s shirt.

Apallo is not just tall but muscular. He is confident and brave. I recollect one early Sunday when we were playing football at our usual Roman Park. A fellow played the ball unto a neighbour’s roof. This neighbour I’m talking about is the strict and no nonsense type. I’m talking about a retired Seaman who can smoke five boxes of cigarette within 10 minutes. He climbed this neighbour’s wall up to the roof, walked on the roof and picked the ball without getting hurt.

Apallo once climbed a coconut tree in someone’s house, plugged all and threw them for us to catch outside. He joined us later and we really enjoyed free coconut.

Apallo could gather all the boys in the hood after playing asor to search for scrap metals to sell for more cash. Sister Abu’s Banku joint became our last stop purposely to fill our emptied bellies.      

After graduating High School, Apallo worked hard, gathered some amounts of money and travelled to Norway. “Chale, I nor know anybro for here oo, I de manage bed for some shop bi in front. More homeless people de bed for here” He narrated. On phone with him, he told me he had a job at a supermarket which belongs to Old Clara. “Who be Clara” I asked. “Oh she be the owner of the supermarket I de job for. She found me when some bandits wanted to attack me for roadside” he replied on a low tone.


Years after our last conversation, I received a letter with a stamp from Norway and I knew it was my friend Apallo. I had to retreat from fighting the delicious Banku and Okro stew my wife, Adjorkor prepared for me. Without hesitation, I opened the letter and it read;


How be? How is the family? Do you hear from my mum and little sister?

HHHHMMMMM!!! Bro. you need to send this message to my family and all the boys in the hood. Please advise them and tell them I’ve been a coward. I made a very big mistake.

Bro! as I’m sprinkling my ink on this paper, the pit beneath me is bleeding. I had to allow a prison guard to penetrate me behind before I could get a pen and a paper to write this letter to you. I pray that you don’t let my pain go in vain”

I had to pause reading the letter and ponder for a minute. Apallo is a hardworking guy. How did he end up in a prison? He made mention of a prison guard. Yes, meaning he is writing from a prison. His tone also sounds regretful. Why? What could have happened? The Apallo I know is cheerful.  

Anyways, I need to continue reading. I actually need to know what has happened to my brother.


Bro, it all began when Clara, 88 years and the owner of the supermarket I worked at as a cleaner invited me to her house. I was scared because I thought she knew I do not have documents for my stay here in Norway. I thought she would report me to the local police and have me arrested. I will definitely be deported back to Ghana. I was scared at first but now I just wish it was so.

“Hey boy, how you? I like how you work vigorously. I’m impressed” she commended. She asked me to sit close to her. I sat but she insisted I come closer. Bro, this woman I’m talking about is of the same age as Aunty Aku, the old lady who sells fried plantain at the Presby Junction.

Bro, this old woman begun to reveal what she knows about me; how I got to the country without documents. I really got scared. Looking at how I was panicking, she told me not to worry because she got me covered. “You will be working here in my house, keep the rooms tidy at all time and you don’t have to go out else you will be exposed. You will stay indoors and keep the house safe and clean” my heart froze like an ice as she explained. I thought I had met an Angel. Little did I know she was the fallen one sent to ruin my life.

Clara the old lady was beginning to treat me so good and special like I’m some kind of a dragon egg until she one day requested that I sleep by her side in her chamber because she’s been having nightmares. I could neither complain nor refuse. After all, I used to sleep beside my grandmother on the same bed until she passed away.

The next morning, we had breakfast together and that was where it all begun. An egg fell and I couldn’t do anything about it.

Clara dropped her intention that morning saying “Boy, you so cute you know? You strong and vigorous. I like your muscles” She has this kind of smile, like a minion trying to parasite your food. She kept her hands around my biceps and chest. Finally, she dropped it; whispered into my ears. “Let’s get married”

The food at war in the middle of my throat had to retreat. I asked again to get it clear and be sure of what passed through my ears. “I said let’s get married” she repeated loudly in my ears. This time she was fierce and continued to remind me of who I am. African immigrant without documents. This is now becoming a threat bro. She went further to inform me to get ready to sign our marriage certificate and documents by the end of the month.

Staying with her for over 6 months I discovered that she was sick and based on her medical report, she had few weeks to live. My co-workers at the supermarket also told me the same thing about her medical condition which confirmed what I discovered. They advised me to stick to her for a few months, she will be gone and as her husband, I will inherit her property.

Clara promised to provide me with a citizenship card as a Norwegian and with this, I could move freely in the country. I had no choice bro. Man got to do what he got to do to survive. I accepted to her marriage proposal with an intention.

weeks later, her legal advisor came over and we got married legally as husband and wife. I was head-swollen since I can finally claim to be a Norwegian citizen.

A year and two passed and old lady is still not dead. “Have patience” I kept assuring myself. Bro! This is the fourth year and for your ears, old lady Clara is finally dead.

I’m very sorry to break this to you. I poisoned her food. I knew Clara had few weeks or months to live but for four years Clara was still alive. Why was she not dying? I have been cleaning her up and changing diapers for all these years and she is not dying bro. I did not sign up for this. Did I go into an agreement with Satan? No.

I had to end this. So I finally decided to take Satan out of the way. Bro! you know I’m not a killer but now I have become a murderer. Everything happened so fast. The police got here so fast as if they had a death alarm on Old Clara. How did they even know she was dead? I felt something wasn’t right. Maybe the whole idea wasn’t right.   

I have really regretted my actions. I only wish to re-write my wrongs but life is to be lived only once.

Tell Yaa, my little sister to study very hard. Education is always a grease to achieving success. Please tell mama to forgive me. I have disappointed her. Bro, I’m sorry it ended this way. I always wanted to come down with lots of stuffs charle. Forgive me bro. Am sorry.

I have to end it here. The guards are calling. Please do not reply, because I may not receive it. – Love you bro!! I will definitely write again when I get the chance.


There is no way I could prevent a stream from flowing down the hills but I tried as it keeps dropping in a valley. How do I break this message to Aunty Ago, Apallo’s mother? It will break her down. It will ruin her just as it has broken me apart. Apallo! Why did you make me a bearer of such news?

You don’t deserve this. You a good lad and you will always be the good Apallo I know. I better stay calm and endure this torment and torture that you have bestowed upon me than to spread it to the world. You will get out to tell this story yourself.





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