I’m searching for an answer to a mysterious puzzle that cannot be solved.
I’ve been roaming across all geographical locations to find the right answer.
Some say, it is a waste of time. I will be trapped and end up getting old and weary in this quest.
Others say it will ruin my life. I will lose the ones I love.
They described it as the devil’s trick. Some spiritualists call it “Lucifer’s Chess”.
At a point, I wanted to quit but Uncle Ato once said, “Patience is a virtue”.

I have been searching for a path that will lead me to a Mysterious destination.
I came across two diverging roads. Which one do I journey upon?
One road was muddy. The other was dry. So dry that the leaves on the trees was withered.
Harmattan wasn’t even near.
I saw travelers return from diverged roads.
Wanderers appearing from the woods. I wanted to talk but their expression doesn’t seem friendly.
Some looked worried, others looked hungry with tattered clothes.
One got close, looked straight at me and shook his head in dismay.
I wanted to give up, get up and return home but Nelson Mandela once said “It always seem impossible until its done”.

I’m searching for a key.
A key that will unlock a mysterious door.
Dozens of keys in a Pandora’s box, you dare not open.
I managed to open the box and suddenly, I heard voices “Pick me, I’m new, I’m made of steel, I can open every door”
so many voices in my head. The keys are speaking to me.
Truly, some were old and rusty, others were new and polished.
I shook the box and a key fell right under my feet.
I shook the box again and another key fell right under my feet.
I took it and saw an inscription which read “The key of persistence opens all doors closed by resistance”

This dawned on me and got me thinking, what I have been searching for all this while is a



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