There are people in the dark yet light reflects on them. This is a sign of a second chance.
Sometimes you find yourself in the dark but when you look beyond, you see light far ahead of you. That is a symbol of hope. You are not lost. You can still find light while you're still alive.

There are people in the Church. There are people in the presence of God but are full of darkness.
We enter the Church because we want to be identified as Christians. Being a Christian is a gift. Share it, but how? Love your neighbour as yourself, share the word with thy neighbour, leave peacefully and in unity with thy neighbour.

Christianity is not about division. It’s not about what we have. It’s not about our individual personalities. Fellowship in Christ is about oneness, togetherness, one mind, one body, one soul.

Sometimes we just need to be calm and reflect on ourselves. So many questions will pop up in our minds; why do we have life? What is our purpose on earth as Christians? 

You should not be deceived that you have seen Christ. You are in dispute with a neighbour yet you despise people of different race, cultural background, religion and even denomination. Prejudice is not Christian. 

We have all been baptized in Christ. So why can’t we be one in Christ no matter where we belong? 
What kind of heart do we carry to Church? Is it the dark one or one that is bright and shines like the star in the sky?

Change! Your mind, body and soul should change. Find light whilst you still in the dark. Enter the light and be saved.

Let us not be distracted by worldly possessions but be guided by the word and live by it.
Find the light whilst you are still in the dark. Find Christ while you are still alive.  


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