Daavi told me to be calm and sober
Daavi told me to take my studies serious. It’s key to success
Daavi promised that everything is going to be fine and easy when I grow up
Daavi did not tell me one thing
Daavi did not tell me everything
Daavi did not tell me it’s going to be tougher as I grow up
Daavi told me to focus. “There is more sleep after death my son” she said.
“After graduating, you will have all the time to rest. There is more sleep after death”
Daavi did not tell me they were all lies. There is no way I could rest after school.
Daavi!!! You should have told me. You should have told me that after National Service, I would be hunting for jobs.

Daavi did not tell me that a time may come, I will be paying utility bills, school fees, buying school supplies, diapers and etc. That I will grow up with responsibilities upon my shoulders

Daavi told me to be punctual at Sunday School
Daavi said church is good for me. God will bless me, I will be very successful and prosperous. She introduced me to the Holy Bible. “It will be your greatest weapon” she said.
I grew up memorizing the 66 books in the Holy Bible
Daavi introduced me to Christ. As the only way to salvation. Christ has plans for me and that everything that happens is His will concerning us. I lost my Dad at age 11 and am still wondering if it’s the will of Christ to watch good people die.

Daavi told me that it is bad to sing whilst taking a bath. It attracts evil spirits and that, dwarfs will be visiting me at night
Daavi told me not to whistle at night. I will be haunted
Daavi narrated so many Ananse stories, portraying Ananse as a sycophant and a greedy character. I grew up hating spiders
Daavi did not tell me that all these were just myth, superstitions and folktales

Daavi told me to abstain from sex. That is the best option
Daavi told me to stay away from drugs. It will ruin my life
Daavi taught me to give respect to elders in the society. They are always right. 
Loyalty, tolerance and patience is key in every aspect of life. This sunk in my ears.

Daavi! I’m forever grateful for your effort in putting me on the right path. You have fulfilled your part as a parent. It’s time to fulfill mine as a son.!


  1. The Great coinz himself...God bless ur efforts...We love u....Mosty


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