Take me home to where I belong
Take me home to where I was born
My heart is heavily hurt with thorns
They say I blow my own horn
But who will, if I don’t?

Take me home to where I want to be
Ride me on your mighty and mysterious Chariot
Over here is full of chaos and riot

Take me home
My root calls me
For I am a man of my youth
With strong bones, strong muscles, and strong teeth
I do not want to grow old, die and be buried in an uncultured soil

Take me home.
I want to see my family
I want to see my friends
I want to farm on a rich soil
I want to listen to folktales told by my ancestors
I want to live the life of my people
I want to be called a Ghanaian  

Take me home
I want to go home
I wish not to be alone
Time has been spent and far gone
I am too young to spend my entire life at dawn

Take me home
I want to go home
For the day the trumpet will be blown,
My anger will transform me into a python
On that day, I will devour you and your household, not forgetting your precious wagon

Take me home
That is where I belong
So that ye may live long


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