I have a story to tell.
A story that will make you go crazy.
A story that will keep you wondering why the world is so unfair.
Good people do not live long, the bad ones do.
They say only the strong survives;
But this story will let you know that the strong oppresses the weak to survive.
Why should it be so?
Do not think that when you oppress the weak, you become the strongest one.
No! that is selfishness.
This story am about to tell you will make you realize that written history has lied to us.
The truth has been hidden from us.
This story will reveal and uncover all hidden facts about your race and the secret behind past wars.

I have a story to tell.
A story that will keep you reading over and over.
A story that will make you to understand the realities of religion.
Religion, the home of propaganda.
Religion will cause you to believe so many stories and to behave in a way it wants you to.
Religion ‘A’ will defame Religion ‘B’ to make you think Religion ‘A’ is the only way to salvation.
Religion has lied, and Religion is still lying.
I have a story to tell.
A story that will make you understand the society in which you are.
Society shapes our lives.
Society will lie to us to make us behave how it wants us to.
Society depends on us to grow and develop.
Yet, it’s as if we depend on society for survival.
Society frowns on abortion. This same society frowns on teenage pregnancy.
So I ask. What does Honorable Society want from us?
After listening to this story, you will tell society to stop manipulating you.

I have a story to tell.
A story that will cause you to think.
This story will increase your I.Q.
This story will make you understand nature.
After reading this story, you will become a genius.
You will become a judge.
You will not be bias in your ruling.
After reading this story;
You will become a preacher.
You will preach good and evil.
You will tell the truth.
You will not tell the congregation what they want to hear.
You will show them the right way to salvation.

I have a story to tell.
A story that will make you think you are a god.
Don’t be deceived. There is only one GOD.
The Supreme being, The creator of the Universe, The chief engineer, The All-Known, The beginning and the end. The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Alpha and the Omega. 
His name is YAH - WEH

This story is one I recommend for you. A must read!!!


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