I am just a boy who lives with my parents. 

Erands, I ran. Comands, I obey. 
I have No say when heads are put together, and mouths are speaking.  
Where I come from, respect is like a rule. 
You need to be a fool to show respect. 
When you seek for justice, rights, and privileges, you become the stubborn child.

I am just a boy who is counting on his days. 

Sometimes, I sit to ponder and wonder when I will be a man. 
It is like a slave or a prisoner whose hopes await the day of his freedom. 
When I wake up every morning, I measure my height just to check if I am really growing up. 
To me, growing tall meant growing up. 

I am just a boy who goes out to play with friends and return home with sand all over my body. Did I dig a well, or swim in a pool of sand?  

We start games nicely and happily but end it up with a fight. 
I leave my house to roam on streets with friends, gather bottles, milk tins and damaged materials all in the name of manufacturing cars. What is the difference between me and a madman? 
I walk on streets with a catapult around my neck and stones in ma pocket on the quest to catch live birds. What is the difference between me and a hunter?

I am just a boy who hates Mondays.  

Going to school on Mondays sucks. 
I just make sure I'm not late to school or be in class before silence hours. 
Hating Mr. Owusu, the mathematics teacher did not solve the problem of inviting WHIPS at my back until I learn to recite the Two-One-Two time table. 
As for Mr. Appiah the science teacher, I escape his class just like "The Sobibor", and straight to the game centre. SUPER MARIO is  my favourite. 

I am just a boy whose personal holidays fall on mango seasons. MANGO SEASON, no school. But It ended when Miss Buga's dog chased us out with a heavy bark. 

I am just a boy who goes to church every Sunday just because of a special breakfast. Woe unto me if I break a jug, jar or a glass. 


I am, just a boy whose dream is to become a Lawyer in future. 

But they said I will be buried with my face down. So scared I frown, changed my mind and decided to be a musician. 
Is that your dream job or a hobby? Daddy asked.
And I replied, yes dad, its my dream job. 
kpa!!! Daddy gave me a heavy slap.
Until then, what and who I want to be in future is within me, and hovering upon my heart. Nobody knows. 


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