A philosopher once said ‘You are not to be so blind that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it or say it’. I know people will be wondering why I made a statement of that sort, but I don’t think an individual will prefer to die for no reason. It’s just like a white lady saying “do you mind?” instead of “Yes” you say “No”.
           The word “truth” is very easy to mention and very easy to spell. But I bet you, the moment it pops out, it’s more than hell. The truth is sometimes difficult to tell.
The truth sometimes hurt when heard. Certain truths are very dangerous and powerful.
It can break relationships and can even bring a divorce in marriages, it can kill and it can bring disappointment.
Due to this, certain truths are dressed before said, else saying it in its raw state can cause a very big trouble.
          Women especially are victims of truth. They frown at the truth when heard and they refuse to tell the truth too.
             In marriages; an instance where a husband comes home happily and tells his wife, “My Dear, today Miss. Dante boxed me a Christmas gift. Guess what; it’s a 6000gh cedis diamond wrist watch, a 5000gh cedis necklace and a 2000gh cedis Versace perfume. Anyway am not surprised, she ones told me she likes me. She is kind and I like her too”
Imagine the expression you will see on the woman’s face.
She will finally conclude that you are cheating.
              In relationships; a situation where a guy boldly approaches his lady and says, “Sweetheart, you know things are not going on well these days. Please ain’t got enough money to make it up to you this x’mas. Please, forgive me dear one”. You will see the disappointing mood on her face. If you are not lucky, she will give you strong insults within her.Brethren, I bet she will pretend to be okay and say sweet words to your hearing; “Don’t worry honey, I understand. You know I love you just the way you are.”
It’s a lie. If you really know what she is saying within her, you will run like a cheater.
All ladies are the same. They always want you to make them happy, so it’s better to lie to make them happy. Just hide the truth from them, and they will always be happy with you.
                In friendship; a situation where you are attending a programme with a friend and your friend asks you, “Ma guy! The shada de bee?” your respond will definitely be “YEAH!! E chill”. But why should you say YEAH! Whilst you know his outfit does not suit him. You are hiding the truth from him because you think he will feel bad. Ha ha. That’s the truth. He will definitely feel bad if it enters to his ears.
               I was once walking with my girlfriend home from lectures. She nearly got knocked down by a car due to our usual careless plays by the roadside. I said to her, “sweetie, please be careful so that you don’t get hurt, else I might not marry you because it is not my wish to marry a disabled”. She immediately frowned at what I said. Immediate conclusion has taken place; it means I don’t love her. She felt bad and sad just because she thinks I don’t love her. You see! The truth has turned all our laughter to sorrow. I felt that I shouldn’t have told her that. It is a fact that 90percent of the guys in the world will not marry a disabled woman. I was only trying to tell her the truth to caution her to be careful of herself before she ruins her future. Here am I being hated because I have said the truth. Probably, she wanted me to pretend and lie to her and say sweet words like; “Sweetie! You know I love you, even if the car knocks you and you lose your legs, I will still be with you.” For how long can I stay with her in that state even if I decide to? How happy will I be with her in that state? Just imagine. Hhhmmmm!!!
             It is also obvious that ladies who are not beautiful want to be told that they are beautiful. I doubt if they do look in a mirror. They know that they are not beautiful, yet if you tell them so, you become their enemy. “Wow! You look sweet and beautiful.” And you will see how flattered they will be. They will start to behave like the Holy Spirit has descended on them, just hide the truth from them and tell them a lie; As Sir Walter Raleigh said in one of his poems; the Soul’s Errand “Tell flesh it is but dust, Tell beauty it is but blasteth and if they reply give them a lie”.
            The truth is very poisonous. Be careful of how you tell the truth. Be careful! Before you lose everything. It’s better to keep mute than to destroy everything with the truth.
           A situation whereby you happen to bash into your parent’s room and see your mum with another man on their matrimonial bed. Will you tell your dad? Remember! If your dad hears it, your family is definitely going to tear apart, and if you keep it too..... Just imagine what will follow. It’s up to you to decide on what to do, but once again think twice before you open that big mouth of yours.


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