

“Chale I de go find chow buy come; I de hungs. My friend Bobo tapped and excused himself. I had my attention on my Aki Ola Past quo because I didn’t want to repeat what happened last term with Okay, my core Maths teacher. Okay be that kinda maths teacher who doesn’t care whether you understand the topic or not. His examination questions can get you infected with tuberculosis. In fact, you will end up coughing throughout the examination period. We are used to calling him “Okay” in his absence because we came to meet our predecessors call him so.    According to them, he kept saying okay, okay, throughout his period. The okay he’s been saying is usually rhetorical.   He no really de hia your response like that. Whether you understand the subject or not, he go continue. For over 30 minutes, Bobo no return from fetching his food. But I didn’t realise it’s been that long cos I was busy solving past maths questions which I still didn’t even understand. “Charley, bite some”. I felt so


They say He is the way, the truth and the Life. No one goes to the father except through Him. They say make Hay while the sun shines. Why can’t we make Hay on a rainy day? The Bible say, God created the heavens and the earth on the first day. How could he watch everything go astray? They say God created man with clay – yes clay – on the sixth day and rested on the seventh day. They say – and they keep saying but they do not practice what they say. They prey on the ignorant, feed on our minds and spray us with lies.   They say it is okay to be a gay. So you gone gay. It’s a way of leading you astray – Misleading you to a paltry bouquet.  There is no way you could play a ballet without a toe – Neither can you fly away without wings. They say - politics is a game. Console! We are the game; they are the controllers   They say money can’t buy life. Money is the root of evil,  Make money, be rich and you will find out the truth.   They say - there is more sleep afte

SURVIVOR’S TALE; The Story of Apallo

  EPISODE 1   Four-corners was one of the best soccer games Apallo loved to play when we were kids. Talking of “Mo nky3 ndi” which literally means “Lets share to spend” you will lose if he’s your opponent. You dare not play against him. There’s no way we could fix a football match without Apallo. He was the best. He could dribble almost every player on the pitch. I recollect in one of our serious football matches against another vicinity called “Tebulemu”. Boys in that neighbourhood were scary and fearsome but Apallo dribbled almost every player on the pitch forgetting to score and bypassed the goal post. He could be selfish sometimes and if you are not careful, you will never touch a ball till its half time. Aside being a “ballu gbee”, he was a very hard working guy. “Ma guy, one day I go travel go Yankey oo” he used to say this to me every day. Every afternoon after school, Apallo would visit most of the houses in the neighbourhood to empty their waste bins and carry it to the


I’m searching for an answer to a mysterious puzzle that cannot be solved. I’ve been roaming across all geographical locations to find the right answer. Some say, it is a waste of time. I will be trapped and end up getting old and weary in this quest. Others say it will ruin my life. I will lose the ones I love. They described it as the devil’s trick. Some spiritualists call it “Lucifer’s Chess”. At a point, I wanted to quit but Uncle Ato once said, “Patience is a virtue”. I have been searching for a path that will lead me to a Mysterious destination. I came across two diverging roads. Which one do I journey upon? One road was muddy. The other was dry. So dry that the leaves on the trees was withered. Harmattan wasn’t even near. I saw travelers return from diverged roads. Wanderers appearing from the woods. I wanted to talk but their expression doesn’t seem friendly. Some looked worried, others looked hungry with tattered clothes. One got close, looked straight at me and shook his h